WOW, finally after four years of searching we got our hands on our favorite globe. And are therefore extremely proud to be able to present it to you.
The illuminated floor sphere is made of crystal glass, hand-blown and completely handmade.
This model is a special masterpiece of traditional globe production.
The production of a hand-blown large crystal glass ball is a real challenge that can only be overcome by a handful of glass artists worldwide.
Therefore, it takes many days before the selected materials can be turned into a cartographic and optical masterpiece with a lot of experience, skill and passion.
The cartography is handwritten.
This technique, passed down from generation to generation, has only been mastered by COLUMBUS. The passion and craftsmanship required to produce this model, its stately grandeur, simple elegance and extraordinary quality make it something very special - unique and impossible to imitate .
The DUO illuminated globe is the king of globes and its cartography is luxurious accordingly. The relief is printed in 24 separate steps that give the world its own look.
The illuminated sphere shows the physical environment of the world in vibrant and harmonious colors, as well as an impressive amount of interesting and up-to-date information.
The lit sphere shows the physical map, while the unlit sphere shows the political map.
Very exceptional piece